Darcy, Jason and Maria share $268. Jason has $20 more than Darcy and Maria has twice as much money as Jason. How much money do Darcy and Jason have altogether?

Jason has $72.

Darcy has $52.
Maria has $144.

Oh, Darcy and Jason together is 52 + 72, so $124.

I need help on how to explain to my 5th grader how to come up with an equation from a word problem. Any suggestions? Thanks

To find out how much money Darcy and Jason have altogether, we need to determine the individual amounts of money each person has and then sum them up.

Let's start by setting up an equation using the given information:
Let's denote Darcy's amount of money as "x."
Jason has $20 more than Darcy, so Jason's amount of money can be written as "x + $20."
Maria has twice as much money as Jason, so Maria's amount of money can be written as "(x + $20) × 2."

The total amount of money is $268, so we can set up the equation:
x + (x + $20) + [(x + $20) × 2] = $268

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of x, which represents Darcy's amount of money.

x + x + $20 + 2(x + $20) = $268
2x + $20 + 2x + $40 = $268
4x + $60 = $268
4x = $268 - $60
4x = $208
x = $208 / 4
x = $52

Now that we know x, we can find Jason's amount of money by substituting the value of x into the expression we derived: x + $20.
Jason has $52 + $20 = $72.

Darcy has $52 and Jason has $72, so together they have $52 + $72 = $124.

Therefore, Darcy and Jason have $124 altogether.

how did you get Jason $72 and Darcy $52 and Maria $144