The income from a student production was $15,000. The price of a student ticket was $3, and nonstudent tickets were sold at $5 each. Four thousand tickets were sold. How many tickets of each kind were sold?

s = 4000 - n

3s + 5n = 15,000

Substitute 4000-n for s.

3(4000-n) + 5n = 15,000

Solve for n, then s.

To solve this problem, let's set up a system of equations to represent the given information.

Let's assume that x represents the number of student tickets sold, and y represents the number of nonstudent tickets sold.

We know that the total number of tickets sold was 4000, so the first equation is:

x + y = 4000 (equation 1)

The second equation comes from the statement that the income from the student production was $15,000. Since the price of a student ticket was $3, and nonstudent tickets were sold at $5 each, the equation is:

3x + 5y = 15000 (equation 2)

Now we have a system of equations:

x + y = 4000 (equation 1)
3x + 5y = 15000 (equation 2)

We can solve this system of equations to find the values of x and y.

Using equation 1, we can express x in terms of y:

x = 4000 - y

Substituting this expression for x in equation 2, we get:

3(4000 - y) + 5y = 15000

Now, let's solve this equation for y.

12,000 - 3y + 5y = 15000
2y = 3000
y = 1500

Now that we have the value of y, we can substitute it back into equation 1 to find x:

x + 1500 = 4000
x = 4000 - 1500
x = 2500

Therefore, 2500 student tickets and 1500 nonstudent tickets were sold.