How many states and territories was a part of the United States in 1890?

What new states and territories was a part of the United States in 1920 which were not part of the United States in 1890?

Start counting!

To determine the number of states and territories that were a part of the United States in 1890, we can research historical records or refer to reliable sources such as historical documents, encyclopedias, or official government websites.

One way to find the answer is to search for a historical map or record of the United States in 1890 that specifies the number of states and territories at that time. By examining such sources, we can identify the applicable states and territories during that period.

Similarly, to determine the new states and territories that were part of the United States in 1920 but not in 1890, we need to compare the information from both years. A search for a historical map or a comparison of the official lists of states and territories during those periods will help us identify the changes that took place.

It is important to rely on accurate and reputable sources when researching historical information.