How would you convert 5 feet 6 inches to inches?

1ft = 12in

5 x 12 = 60

60in + 6in = 66in

So, 66in would be the answer. In order to convert feet to inches, figure out how many inches goes into a foot. This is "1ft = 12in". Next, you times that number("12") by the number of feet to get the amount of inches for that many feet. Then, you add the amount of the leftover amount of inches. Finally, you get your final answer by doing that.

I hope this helps! :)

1 foot = 12 inches

Two games went a total of32 mins one goes 12mins longer than the other .use letter to represent the unknown. Solve the problem

To convert 5 feet 6 inches to inches, you need to understand that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches. So, to convert the feet to inches, you multiply 5 by 12, which gives you 60 inches. Then, you add the 6 inches to get the final answer. Therefore, 5 feet 6 inches is equal to 66 inches.