Which one of the following categories makes up the largest percentage of a child care operating budget?

A. Mortgage or rent
B. Supplies
C. Food
D. Salaries and benefits



The correct answer is D. Salaries and benefits. To find the answer, you need to understand the components of a child care operating budget.

To calculate the largest percentage, you'll first need to determine the total operating budget of the child care center. Once you have the total budget, you can analyze the percentage that each category represents.

Here are the steps to finding the answer:

1. Identify the categories included in a child care operating budget. This typically includes expenses such as mortgage or rent, supplies, food, salaries, and benefits.

2. Determine the budget allocation for each category. For example, calculate the portion of the budget allocated to mortgage or rent, supplies, food, and salaries and benefits.

3. Compare the percentages of each category. Add up the percentages for all categories to ensure they equal 100%. Note down the highest percentage.

4. Identify the category with the highest percentage. The category with the highest percentage represents the largest portion of the child care operating budget.

In this case, the correct answer is D. Salaries and benefits because it has the largest percentage allocation in the budget.