Lina went on her first diet in High school for three days she ate nothing but carrot sticks, cottage cheese, and apples. Then scarfed down two double sentence cheeseburgers with fries and a chocolate shake. Her other attempts at dieting didn’t last much longer. By graduation lina was grateful to hide under the flowing black robe as she walked on stage to her diploma. When Lina heard about ‘’the freshman 15.’’the extra pounds many students acquire during their first year at college, she groans at the prospect of putting on more weight. In her personal health class, Lina set one primary goal, she decide not to grain another pound. Rather than going on and inevitably falling off one diet after another, she development a weight management plan that included healthful food choices and regular exercise. After arming herself with the information and tools provided in her textbook, the class took charge of her weight.

hich sentence contains a dangling modifier?
a. sentence 5
b. sentence 6
c. sentence 7
d. sentence 8
I think b

Which is the dangling modifier?


Sentence 7

siick dood

To determine which sentence contains a dangling modifier, let's first review what a dangling modifier is. A dangling modifier occurs when a modifying word or phrase is positioned in a sentence in such a way that it does not clearly or logically modify the intended word or phrase.

Sentence 5: "When Lina heard about the 'freshman 15,' the extra pounds many students acquire during their first year at college, she groans at the prospect of putting on more weight."
Sentence 6: "In her personal health class, Lina set one primary goal, she decide not to grain another pound."
Sentence 7: "Rather than going on and inevitably falling off one diet after another, she development a weight management plan that included healthful food choices and regular exercise."
Sentence 8: "After arming herself with the information and tools provided in her textbook, the class took charge of her weight."

Sentence 5 is not a dangling modifier as it clearly modifies Lina's reaction to hearing about the "freshman 15."
Sentence 6 does contain a dangling modifier. The phrase "In her personal health class" modifies Lina's setting of a primary goal, but the sentence structure suggests that Lina's class itself set the goal.
Sentence 7 does not contain a dangling modifier as the phrase "going on and inevitably falling off one diet after another" logically modifies Lina's action of developing a weight management plan.
Sentence 8 does not contain a dangling modifier as the phrase "After arming herself with the information and tools provided in her textbook" modifies Lina's action of taking charge of her weight.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B: sentence 6.