cultural issues that are most problematic in causing juvenile delinquency.

Skinheads? if so what other can I use

your post does not make sense to me. Can you actually ask a question?

•Identify the 3 main cultural, sub-cultural, or countercultural issues that you feel are most problematic in causing juvenile delinquency

Would skinheads be considered one of the cultural?

Juvenile delinquency is a complex issue influenced by various cultural factors. While skinhead subculture has been associated with certain cases of delinquency, it is just one example among many others. To gain a better understanding of cultural issues that contribute to juvenile delinquency, you can consider the following:

1. Gang culture: Membership in gangs exposes young individuals to criminal activities, violence, drug abuse, and a distorted sense of belonging.
To explore gang culture's impact on delinquency, you can research how youth involvement in gangs can lead to illegal behaviors.

2. Socioeconomic disadvantage: Communities with high poverty rates, limited resources, and limited opportunities for education and employment can contribute to delinquency. This is because individuals may resort to illegal activities as a means of survival or to address socio-economic frustrations.
To understand the link between socioeconomic disadvantage and juvenile delinquency, you can examine how living conditions and economic disparities impact youth behaviors.

3. Lack of parental guidance: Absence of stable parental figures, poor familial relationships, or neglect can contribute to delinquent behavior in juveniles. This is because the absence of positive role models and support systems may lead to seeking validation and support from negative peer influences.
To understand the role of parenting and family dynamics in juvenile delinquency, you can explore studies on how parental involvement and supervision affect juvenile behavior.

4. Substance abuse and dependency: Substance abuse, such as drugs and alcohol, is often associated with delinquent behavior. Substance abuse can impair judgment and increase the likelihood of engaging in criminal activities.
To explore the relationship between substance abuse and juvenile delinquency, you can research how drug availability, influence, and addiction play a role in delinquent acts.

5. Media influence: Exposure to violent or antisocial behaviors in movies, video games, music, and online content can influence a young person's perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. Constant exposure to violence may desensitize individuals and contribute to the normalization of criminal activities.
To understand the influence of media on juvenile delinquency, you can look into studies that examine the correlation between media consumption and aggressive or delinquent behavior in young individuals.

It is important to note that each cultural factor interacts with other societal and individual influences, making the issue of juvenile delinquency multifaceted. To gain a comprehensive understanding, it is recommended to explore academic research, government reports, and reputable sources that specifically address the cultural issues and risk factors associated with juvenile delinquency.