1. y^5 * y^14

A. 2y^19
B. y^60
C. y^19***
D. 2y^60

2. w^12/ w^18

A. w^30***
B. w^-30
C. w^6
D. w^-6

Are my answer correct

2 is D.

To simplify these expressions, we need to apply the exponent rules for multiplication and division.

1. y^5 * y^14:
When multiplying two variables with the same base, you add their exponents. Therefore, the answer is y^(5 + 14) = y^19.

So, the correct answer is C) y^19.

2. w^12 / w^18:
When dividing two variables with the same base, you subtract the exponent in the denominator from the exponent in the numerator. Therefore, the answer is w^(12 - 18) = w^(-6).

However, if the answer choices are only given with positive exponents, then we need to rewrite w^(-6) in a positive exponent form. According to the exponent rule, w^(-6) can be rewritten as 1 / w^6.

So, the correct answer is A) w^30 because it is the positive exponent form of the equivalent expression.