What kind of organization is used in "The Season's Curmudgeon Sees the Light" by Mary C. Curtis?

A. chronological order
B. cause-and-effect order
C. comparison and contrast
D. narrative
Is the answer C?
Thank you



srry I guess that's a different test amandas right

Amanda is right i just took this

Amanda fire is correct, reality check u may have a different one but u still helped others

Amanda is right I just got 100% on my quiz

Amanda is right

thank you reality check

Whoop Whoop!!! Yep yep 100%

C,A,B,A ^^
#Swag B)

i have took the answer and amanda is fine and i got 100% thank to herand 1 c comparison 2 A she want to create the same supense for the readers as she felt at the time 3 B she wants to explain the process by which the color green disapers from the leaves 4 A why leaves turn color in the fall"has more detailed scientfic information than the other two selections.

They are all right. Thanks Amanda. And also, I agree with you Saltes Caramel, reality check did help other people because they are the answers to other quiz's and they will help other people very much.