Find the maximum and minimum values of the given objective function on the indicated feasible region.

M = 150 − x − y

Well, if we're looking for the maximum and minimum values of the objective function M = 150 - x - y, we need to know the constraints or feasible region. Without that information, I'm afraid I can't do much more than clown around with numbers. But hey, here's a joke to brighten your day:

Why don't scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything!

To find the maximum and minimum values of the objective function M = 150 - x - y on the given feasible region, we need to first identify the bounds or constraints of the feasible region.

If the feasible region is not provided, we can assume that x and y are unrestricted, which means there are no specific values or boundaries for x and y. In this case, the maximum and minimum values of M are not defined since there are no constraints to limit the values of x and y.

If there are constraints or a feasible region provided, please provide the information, such as inequalities or equations, so I can assist you further in finding the maximum and minimum values of M.