Add the hundredths. 4 hundredths + 7 hundredths = ____ hundredths. Regroup the hundredths.

4 hundredths + 7 hundredths = ____ hundredths

0.04 + 0.07 = 0.11

To add the hundredths, you need to add the numerical value of the hundredths place for both numbers.

Let's add 4 hundredths and 7 hundredths:

4 hundredths + 7 hundredths = 11 hundredths

However, the problem asks you to regroup the hundredths. Regrouping means combining all the hundredths to make a whole number if possible.

In this case, since there are no additional whole numbers, we simply keep the sum as 11 hundredths. The answer in hundredths is 11 hundredths.