Act I of An Enemy of the People Question

Think carefully about what each quote might infer about the character and choose the most appropriate answer in the context of the play.

Taking one thing with another, there is an excellent spirit of toleration in the town--an admirable municipal spirit. And it all springs from the fact of our having a great common interest to unite us--an interest that is in an equally high degree the concern of every right-minded citizen.(Peter Stockman) This quote foreshadows:(hints of what is to come)

I think it is B

The townspeople's love for one another

The problem Dr.Stockman will have when he announces the pollution of the Baths

The decency of every citizen in town when the it is announced that the Baths are polluted

How much the town will hate Peter Stockman if he continues to support the Baths

Or D

To determine the answer to this question, we need to analyze the given quote and its implications. The quote by Peter Stockman suggests that there is a strong spirit of toleration and a united interest among the townspeople. The key phrase to focus on is "an interest that is in an equally high degree the concern of every right-minded citizen."

Based on this quote, the most appropriate answer would be:

B. The problem Dr. Stockman will have when he announces the pollution of the Baths

The quote foreshadows the difficulties Dr. Stockman will face when he reveals the pollution of the Baths because it highlights the united interest that the townspeople have in the Baths. This suggests that the revelation of the pollution will create conflict and challenges for Dr. Stockman, as he will be going against the united interest of the townspeople.

Hence, the correct answer is B.