1. Which organisms are capable of converting gaseous nitrogen in the air into a form that other living organisms can use? (1 point)

nitrogen-fixing bacteria

denitrifying bacteria



2. Which step in the nitrogen cycle is accelerated at the beginning of the eutrophication process? (1 point)


nitrogen fixation

producer uptake of nitrogen

consumer decomposition

3. Which of the following is carried out by denitrifying bacteria? (1 point)

break down large, nitrogen-rich
molecules to simple molecules

build large, nitrogen-rich molecules
from simple molecules

convert biologically useful nitrogen to gaseous nitrogen

convert gaseous nitrogen to biologically useful nitrogen

4. Which type of organism moves nitrogen from cells of producers back to the soil? (1 point)



nitrogen-fixing bacteria

denitrifying bacteria

5. What would be the consequence of an ecosystem that had no nitrogen-fixing bacteria? (1 point)
Nitrogen from decomposing animals would never be returned to the soil.

Decomposers would not be able to break down the nitrogen present in plants they feed on.

Plants would have to rely on biologically available nitrogen present in the soil.

Consumers would not survive since they would have no way to obtain the nitrogen they need.

My Answers:


The answers are . . . 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C I promise :)

Are they correct?

1. To determine which organisms are capable of converting gaseous nitrogen in the air into a form that other living organisms can use, we can look at the options given and identify the correct answer. In this case, the correct answer is nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) into biologically useful forms like ammonia (NH3) or nitrate (NO3-).

2. To determine which step in the nitrogen cycle is accelerated at the beginning of the eutrophication process, we can analyze the options given. Eutrophication is the process of excessive nutrient enrichment, particularly from nitrogen and phosphorus, in an aquatic ecosystem leading to increased growth of algae and other plants, which can have negative effects on the ecosystem. In this case, the correct answer is nitrogen fixation. Increased levels of nitrogen and phosphorus can stimulate excessive growth of algae, and the process of nitrogen fixation is accelerated at the beginning of the eutrophication process.

3. To identify which of the following is carried out by denitrifying bacteria, we can examine the options provided. Denitrifying bacteria play a role in the nitrogen cycle by converting biologically useful nitrogen compounds back into gaseous nitrogen. In this case, the correct answer is convert biologically useful nitrogen to gaseous nitrogen.

4. To determine which type of organism moves nitrogen from cells of producers back to the soil, we can analyze the options given. In this case, the correct answer is decomposers. Decomposers, such as fungi and bacteria, break down the organic matter of dead organisms, including the nitrogen-rich compounds, and convert them into simpler forms that can be returned to the soil.

5. To predict the consequence of an ecosystem that had no nitrogen-fixing bacteria, we can consider the options provided. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are essential for converting gaseous nitrogen into biologically available forms that plants can use. Without nitrogen-fixing bacteria, plants would have to rely on the biologically available nitrogen present in the soil. Therefore, the correct answer is plants would have to rely on biologically available nitrogen present in the soil.