explain how to evaluate an expression with a variable when you are given a value for the variable

Expression with variable example:

2+2x <-- x is our variable

Now if you are given the value of x:


2+2*2 = 6

Just substitute the value in for the variable.

To evaluate an expression with a variable when you are given a value for the variable, you need to substitute the given value into the variable in the expression and then simplify the expression.

Here's a step-by-step process to evaluate the expression:

1. Start with the expression that contains the variable.
Example: Let's say the expression is 3x + 2 and the given value for x is 4.

2. Substitute the given value into the variable in the expression.
In our example, substitute x with 4:
3(4) + 2

3. Simplify the expression by performing the necessary arithmetic operations.
Multiply first:
12 + 2

4. Sum up the numbers:
12 + 2 = 14

So, when x = 4, the value of the expression 3x + 2 is 14.

Remember, the key is to substitute the given value into the expression and then simplify it using the rules of arithmetic.