how many cubic inches in 7'8"L, 12'2"W, 10'1" tall? please show how you get to the answer.

I added up the feet (7+12+10=29 ft) and multiplied by 12 inches (29x12=348 in), then added on the remaining inches (8+2+1=11, 348+11) to come up with an answer of 359 cubic inches. I am not sure this is correct.

Let's change all of these to inches

Then, to find the volume, we multiply.

92 * 146 * 121 = 1,625,272 cubic inches

Thank You Ms. Sue, for the answer to cubic inches. It also made me realize that I skipped the step of multiplying the dimensions by each other.

To calculate the cubic inches in the given dimensions (7'8"L, 12'2"W, 10'1" tall), you need to find the volume of the object formed by these dimensions.

Step 1: Convert feet to inches:
- Convert 7 feet to inches: 7 ft x 12 in/ft = 84 inches
- Convert 8 inches to inches: 8 inches

So the length is 84 inches + 8 inches = 92 inches.

Step 2: Convert feet to inches:
- Convert 12 feet to inches: 12 ft x 12 in/ft = 144 inches
- Convert 2 inches to inches: 2 inches

So the width is 144 inches + 2 inches = 146 inches.

Step 3: Convert feet to inches:
- Convert 10 feet to inches: 10 ft x 12 in/ft = 120 inches
- Convert 1 inch to inches: 1 inch

So the height is 120 inches + 1 inch = 121 inches.

Step 4: Calculate the volume:
Multiply the length, width, and height to find the volume:
Volume = Length x Width x Height
Volume = 92 inches x 146 inches x 121 inches

Step 5: Compute the product:
Volume = 1,639,872 cubic inches

Therefore, the volume of the object is 1,639,872 cubic inches.