an example of homeostasis is

A) maintaining a constant body temperature
B) responding to stimuli
C) keeping the same number of cells in an organisms
D)all of the above

I put A) and had the wrong answer. I put that answer since homeostasis is maintaining a constant internal state.
Can you help me by explaining which is a better answer.
Thank you

How about D?

Isn't responding to stimuli changing your internal state for example if someone comes up from behind and taps you, an external stimuli, you jump and the blood flows faster so things are changing, aren't they?

Yes, because you are responding to your stimuli.

Certainly! Homeostasis is the process by which organisms maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment. It involves various physiological processes that help regulate different aspects of an organism's internal state.

In this case, option A) maintaining a constant body temperature is indeed an example of homeostasis because it refers to the process of regulating and maintaining a stable internal body temperature within a certain range. This is crucial for the normal functioning of cells and organs in the body.

Option B) responding to stimuli, although an important characteristic of living organisms, is not a direct example of homeostasis. While responding to stimuli is essential for an organism to interact and adapt to its environment, it is not specifically related to maintaining a stable internal environment.

Option C) keeping the same number of cells in an organism is also not a direct example of homeostasis. Homeostasis primarily focuses on regulating and balancing various physiological variables such as body temperature, blood pressure, pH levels, and hormone levels, among others.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question is D) all of the above. Options A, B, and C, all play important roles in the overall process of maintaining homeostasis, although option A is the most direct and specific example.