if your HIM department has 100,000 active records and you received 5,352 requests for records within a six-month period, what is the request rate for the past six months?

I am assuming that you have phrased the question correctly.

If "you received 5,352 requests for records within a six-month period,… the request rate for the past six months" = 5,352 per 6 months.


To calculate the request rate for the past six months, you need to divide the total number of requests by the number of active records.

1. Start by identifying the values given in the question:
- Number of active records (HIM department): 100,000
- Number of requests received in six months: 5,352

2. Divide the number of requests by the number of active records:
Request Rate = Number of Requests / Number of Active Records

Request Rate = 5,352 / 100,000

3. Calculate the request rate:
Request Rate = 0.05352

The request rate for the past six months is 0.05352, or approximately 5.352%.