I need to figure coupon code. Code is

5 43000 18670 6. Do i subtract the 5 or add?

To determine whether you should subtract or add the number 5 in the coupon code 5 43000 18670 6, we need to understand the structure of coupon codes.

Coupon codes usually consist of a combination of numbers, letters, or both, and may contain special characters. The arrangement and format of characters in the coupon code can provide clues on how to interpret the code.

In the given coupon code, we have three segments separated by spaces: 5, 43000, and 18670. The last segment is a single digit, 6.

Typically, the initial segment in a coupon code represents the value or discount being offered. In most cases, you would want to subtract this value from your purchase to obtain the discounted price. However, it's important to consider the specific rules or instructions provided by the issuer of the coupon.

In this case, since the first segment of the code is the number 5, it suggests that you subtract 5 from your purchase to apply the coupon code. Therefore, the discounted amount would be subtracted from the original price.

Remember to review any terms and conditions associated with the coupon to ensure that you are using it correctly and that it is still valid.