Create an outline on Should Special Needs Students Be Exempt from Graduation Tests? it is an Educational Debate Persuasive Paper

Here is information from SraJMcGin about HOW TO WRITE AN OUTLINE and HOW TO WRITE A PAPER; both sections have excellent resources. Once you've used them, please repost with your outline before starting to write the paper itself. Make sure the outline has a good thesis statement at the beginning.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. First of all, here are some sites on how to write an outline:



3. (my personal favorite):

4. (PDF file to download):

Some sites on how to write an A+ Research Paper:


2. (again from Owl):

3. (a sample research paper):

i know how to write an outline but i do not know how to back it up with my main pts, i think all students should have to take the test but with special needs students should have it at there level. so i duont know how to back that up with the main pts

Last night, Ms. Sue gave you FOUR main categories of special needs students:

You can use each one of these as a major section of your outline and then provide information about each one: what students in these categories are like; how they can be tested, etc.

Is this paper for a college class? If so, you should have been taught all this during high school. Here are some really good websites to help if you need basic, paper-writing help.

Don't forget to follow the entire writing process:

And here are some sites to help you if you have grammar/usage questions:
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I. Introduction

A. Background information on graduation tests for special needs students
B. Thesis statement: Special needs students should be exempt from graduation tests

II. Advantages of exemption
A. Fairness and equity
1. Special needs students have unique challenges that may hinder their performance on tests
2. Exemption ensures that they are not unfairly penalized for factors beyond their control

B. Individualized education
1. Special needs students have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) tailored to their specific needs
2. Exempting them from graduation tests aligns with the principles of individualized education

III. Critiques against exemption
A. Maintaining standards
1. Graduation tests are designed to ensure minimum competency in key subjects
2. Critics argue that exemption may lower standards and devalue diplomas

B. Alternative assessment methods
1. Some argue that special needs students can be accommodated through modified assessments
2. Critics suggest using alternative assessment methods that accurately evaluate their knowledge and skills

IV. Examination of the legal framework
A. Federal regulations and special education laws
1. Analysis of relevant laws, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
2. Exploring how these laws impact graduation test exemptions

B. State policies and variations
1. Investigating existing state policies on exemption for special needs students
2. Discussing potential variations in policies and their implications

V. Case studies and empirical evidence
A. Exploring case studies of states or districts that exempt special needs students from graduation tests
B. Analyzing relevant research and studies that highlight the impacts of such exemptions

VI. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis statement and summarizing main points
B. Closing thoughts on the importance of fairness and inclusivity in education for special needs students

Remember, this is just an outline for your persuasive paper. To develop it further, gather relevant research, case studies, statistics, and expert opinions supporting your arguments. Remember to cite your sources and provide evidence to back up your claims. Good luck!