Juan’s first 3 exam scores are 85, 93, and 87. What does he need to score on his next exam to average 90 for all 4 exams?

let x represent the score on his next exam

(put this in a multi-step equation)


an average of 90 on 4 exams means 4*90=360 points in all.

So, how many points shy of 360 is the sum of the first three tests?


Jose wants to have an average of 80 for his 4 exams. Each exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 100. His first three exam scores are: 87, 72, 85. What does Jose need to score on the 4th exam to have a mean of 80 on all 4 exams?


you wourngsf

To find out what Juan needs to score on his next exam to achieve an average of 90 on all four exams, we can set up a multi-step equation.

The average of all four exams is calculated by adding up the scores and dividing it by the total number of exams. The equation for this scenario would then be:

(85 + 93 + 87 + x) / 4 = 90

To solve for x, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Add up the first three scores: 85 + 93 + 87 = 265
Step 2: Multiply the average by the total number of exams: 90 * 4 = 360
Step 3: Subtract the sum of the first three scores from the result in step 2: 360 - 265 = 95

Therefore, Juan needs to score a 95 on his next exam to achieve an average of 90 for all four exams.