Why does the author organize"The Seasons Curmudgeon Sees the Light,"as she does? By Mary C. Curtis

A. to contrast fall weddings and song with spring weddings and song.
B. to contrast reading with gardening.
C. to show her feelings about spring have changed.
D. to compare what she likes about fall and spring.
Is the answer C?



is it really c

In “The Season’s Curmudgeon Sees the Light,” identify two ways the author compares and contrasts spring and fall.

what is number 1 2 3 4 5


To determine why the author organizes "The Seasons Curmudgeon Sees the Light" in a particular way, we need to carefully examine the text. Let's break down the options provided and analyze them:

Option A suggests that the author organizes the essay to contrast fall weddings and song with spring weddings and song. To verify this, we would need to look for sections comparing and contrasting fall and spring weddings and their accompanying songs.

Option B claims that the essay is organized to contrast reading with gardening. To confirm this, we should look for sections where the author discusses both reading and gardening, examining any comparisons or contrasts made between the two activities.

Option C suggests that the author organizes the essay to show her changing feelings about spring. To determine if this is accurate, we should search for evidence that supports the idea that the author's opinions or feelings about spring evolve or undergo a transformation throughout the piece.

Option D proposes that the essay is organized to compare what the author likes about fall and spring. To assess this, we should look for sections where the author expresses preferences or discusses what she enjoys about both seasons.

Based on the options provided, it is unclear whether the answer is C without reviewing the text. To find the correct answer, I recommend referring to the original essay by Mary C. Curtis. By analyzing the structure, content, and any patterns within the text, you should be able to identify why the author organizes it in a specific way.