what are the valences expected in unuhexium? the outer is 7s2 7p4

The valency is 6

how do i find the highest hydride and highest fluoride of ununhexium as i have to give an empirical formulae

one confused student

thank you but could you please explain how you achieve that with the highest hydride and fluoride

many thanks

It will be Symbol F6 or Symbol H6

You figure out the symbol for this element.

To determine the highest hydride and fluoride of ununhexium (whose atomic number is 116 and electron configuration is 7s² 7p⁴), you need to consider the valence electrons in its outermost energy level. In this case, the outermost energy level has 7 electrons in the 7s and 7p orbitals.

1. To find the highest hydride, you need to determine how many hydrogen atoms can bond with ununhexium to form a compound. Since ununhexium has 7 valence electrons, it can form a maximum of 6 bonds (one bond with each hydrogen atom, as hydrogen has a valency of +1). Therefore, the highest hydride would be H₆ (hexasolar hydride).

2. Similarly, to find the highest fluoride, you need to determine how many fluorine atoms can bond with ununhexium. Fluorine has a valency of -1, so for each bond, it will contribute one electron. Since ununhexium has 7 valence electrons and each fluorine atom contributes one electron, you can form a maximum of 7 bonds with fluorine atoms. Therefore, the highest fluoride would be F₇ (heptaflic fluoride).

To summarize:
- Highest hydride: H₆ (hexasolar hydride)
- Highest fluoride: F₇ (heptaflic fluoride)

Please note that ununhexium (Uuh) is a synthetic element and not commonly encountered, so its chemical properties are not well-studied. The naming conventions for compounds involving such elements may vary.