The average of 30 numbers is 65. If one of these numbers is 65, the sum of the remaining number is...

A.65*64 B.30.64 C.29*30 D. 29*64 E. 29 *65

Is it A??
If not, can you explain


x+y+...(28)/ 30 = 65

and so one of the 30 numbers are 65.
The sum of the remaining number is...
I'm stuck here.

"the sum of the REMAINING numbers . . ."

The average of 29 numbers is 65.

To find the sum of the remaining numbers, we need to subtract the number 65 (which is given in the question) from the total sum of the 30 numbers.

The total sum of the 30 numbers can be calculated by multiplying the average (65) by the number of elements (30):

Total sum = Average * Number of elements
Total sum = 65 * 30
Total sum = 1950

Now, to find the sum of the remaining numbers, we subtract 65 from the total sum:

Sum of the remaining numbers = Total sum - 65
Sum of the remaining numbers = 1950 - 65
Sum of the remaining numbers = 1885

Therefore, the sum of the remaining numbers is 1885.

So the correct answer is not A, but rather, option D: 29*64.