How does Hamlin Garland's "The Return of a Private" exemplify the characteristics of regionalism?

What details in this story could only happen or be heard in the midwest?

To understand how Hamlin Garland's "The Return of a Private" exemplifies the characteristics of regionalism, we first need to understand what regionalism is. Regionalism is a literary movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, focusing on representing and portraying specific regions or local areas in literature. It emphasizes the unique features, culture, dialects, customs, and traditions of a particular region.

Now, to analyze how "The Return of a Private" reflects regionalism, we need to examine several elements present in the text:

1. Setting: Regionalism portrays a strong sense of place, and in this story, the setting plays a significant role. The story is set in rural Iowa during the post-Civil War era, which is a specific region. By emphasizing the specific geographical location, Garland highlights the unique characteristics and local flavor of that region.

To find evidence of the setting's importance in the story, locate passages that describe the physical landscape, mention local landmarks, or make reference to the cultural or historical context of Iowa.

2. Dialect and Language: Regionalism often uses local dialects and language to capture the authenticity and distinctiveness of a region. In "The Return of a Private," Garland incorporates the rural dialect and speech patterns of the characters, especially the protagonist, Haskins. By doing so, he presents the authentic voice and language of the region and its people.

To identify examples of dialect and language in the story, look for passages where characters speak in a distinctive regional accent or use colloquial expressions and vocabulary specific to the region.

3. Local Customs and Traditions: Regionalism also highlights the unique customs, traditions, and rituals of a specific region. In Garland's story, he portrays the post-Civil War era rural Iowa community and the traditions associated with it. By depicting the homecoming of a war veteran and the reception he receives from the locals, Garland showcases the customs and traditions of that particular region.

To identify instances of local customs and traditions, pay attention to details that reveal the community's response to the returning soldier, such as any rituals, celebrations, or specific behaviors.

By examining these elements—setting, dialect and language, and local customs and traditions—you can analyze how Hamlin Garland's "The Return of a Private" exemplifies the characteristics of regionalism. Remember to support your analysis by locating and citing specific passages from the text as evidence.