Whars 189.80. Times 6.25% less 33 1/3 %

Is it
189.80 + 11.86 = 201.66 - 67.22 = $134..44

To find the answer to the expression "189.80 times 6.25% less 33 1/3%", follow these steps:

1. Convert the percentages to decimal form:
- 6.25% can be written as 0.0625 (divide by 100).
- 33 1/3% can be written as 0.3333 (divide 33 1/3 by 100).

2. Calculate 6.25% of 189.80 by multiplying:
- 189.80 * 0.0625 = 11.8625 (rounded to four decimal places).

3. Now, subtract 33 1/3% of the result obtained in step 2 from 189.80 by multiplying:
- 11.8625 * 0.3333 = 3.9531 (rounded to four decimal places).
- 189.80 - 3.9531 = 185.8469 (rounded to four decimal places).

The final answer is $185.8469, not $134.44 as you calculated earlier.