Jamal is in charge of 3 lemonade stands at Summer Fun Day. He has 4 pitchers that will hold 9, 5,4 and 2 quarts. The largest pitcher is filled with lemonade, and the others are empty.

How can Jamal use the pitchers to be sure he has pitchers with 3 quarts of lemonade in each one?

To have pitchers with 3 quarts of lemonade each, Jamal can follow these steps:

1. Start by pouring lemonade from the largest pitcher, which holds 9 quarts, into the empty pitcher that holds 4 quarts. This will leave the largest pitcher with 9 - 4 = 5 quarts of lemonade, and the smaller pitcher will have 4 quarts of lemonade.

2. Next, pour the lemonade from the smaller pitcher, now holding 4 quarts, into the empty pitcher that holds 2 quarts. This will leave the smaller pitcher with 4 - 2 = 2 quarts of lemonade, and the smallest pitcher will have 2 quarts of lemonade.

3. Now, pour the lemonade from the largest pitcher, which still holds 5 quarts, into the smaller pitcher, which already contains 2 quarts. This will leave the largest pitcher with 5 - 2 = 3 quarts of lemonade, and the smaller pitcher will have 2 + 2 = 4 quarts of lemonade.

4. Finally, pour the lemonade from the smaller pitcher, now holding 4 quarts, into the empty pitcher that holds 2 quarts. This will leave the smaller pitcher with 4 - 2 = 2 quarts of lemonade, and the smallest pitcher will have 2 + 2 = 4 quarts of lemonade.

At this point, Jamal will have two pitchers with 4 quarts of lemonade each, and one pitcher with 3 quarts of lemonade.