Find the percent of each number.

1. 5% of 220 files
Answer is 110

2. 360 kilometers is 24% of ___ kilometers.
Answer is 864.

3. At a shelter, 15% of the dogs are puppies. There are 60 dogs at the shelter. How many are puppies?
Answer is 25 puppies

Can someone check my answers? For the incorrect answers can you please show me how to solve?

1, No.

0.05 * 220 = ?

2. No.
0.24x = 360

3. No

1. 11


3. 9

Do I have the correct answers?

1 yes

2 no
3 yes


Sure! I can help you check your answers and show you how to solve them. Let's go through each question one by one:

1. Find 5% of 220 files:
To find a percentage of a number, you can multiply the number by the percentage in decimal form. So, to find 5% of 220 files, you would calculate: 220 * 0.05 = 11. Therefore, 5% of 220 files is 11. Your answer of 110 is incorrect.

2. 360 kilometers is 24% of ___ kilometers:
In this question, you need to find the total number of kilometers that 360 kilometers represent 24% of. To do this, you would divide 360 by 0.24 (since 24% is equal to 0.24 as a decimal). So, the calculation would be: 360 / 0.24 = 1500. Therefore, the missing number of kilometers is 1500. Your answer of 864 is incorrect.

3. Find how many puppies are there if 15% of the dogs are puppies, and there are 60 dogs at the shelter:
To find the number of puppies, you can multiply the total number of dogs by the percentage of puppies in decimal form. So, to find 15% of 60 dogs, you would calculate: 60 * 0.15 = 9. Thus, there are 9 puppies in the shelter. Your answer of 25 puppies is incorrect.

Here are the correct answers and the steps to solve each question:

1. 5% of 220 files = 220 * 0.05 = 11 files
2. 360 kilometers is 24% of ___ kilometers = 360 / 0.24 = 1500 kilometers
3. 15% of 60 dogs = 60 * 0.15 = 9 puppies

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.