How would you write the following exponential form to logarithmic form:

4^y= (1/64)

My answer is: log4(1/64)=y. Am I corret?


Yes, you are correct! The logarithmic form of the given exponential equation is indeed log4(1/64) = y.

To explain how to arrive at this answer, let's go through the steps:

Step 1: Start by identifying the base of the exponential expression, which is 4 in this case.

Step 2: The logarithmic form of an exponential equation helps us find the exponent (y) when given the base and the result. It is written as log(base) value = exponent.

Step 3: Rewrite the exponential equation in logarithmic form using the base of 4 and the result of (1/64):

log4(1/64) = y

The left side of the equation tells us that when we raise 4 to the exponent y, we get the value of 1/64.

Hence, your answer log4(1/64) = y is correct!