How much work is done when a 175g tomato is lifted 14.7m?

work in joules = kg x 9.81 x height in m = ?

To calculate the amount of work done when lifting an object, you need to multiply the force applied to lift the object by the distance it is lifted. The formula for work is:

Work = Force × Distance

In this case, the force required to lift the tomato is equal to its weight. The weight of an object can be calculated using the formula:

Weight = Mass × Gravity

- Mass is the mass of the object (given as 175g in this case)
- Gravity is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2)

First, convert the mass of the tomato from grams to kilograms by dividing it by 1000:
Mass = 175g ÷ 1000 = 0.175kg

Substitute the values into the weight formula:
Weight = 0.175kg × 9.8 m/s^2 = 1.715 N

Now that we know the force required to lift the tomato (1.715 N) and the distance it is lifted (14.7 m), we can calculate the work done:
Work = 1.715 N × 14.7 m = 25.1865 Joules

Therefore, approximately 25.1865 Joules of work is done when lifting a 175g tomato a distance of 14.7m.