16 students do not prefer school uniform. 4 students prefer school uniform. What percent prefer uniforms and what percent do not. What is the relationship between these two percents?

80% do not prefer uniforms, 20% prefers uniforms.

There must be a total of 20 students.

100(16/20) = ______%

100(4/20) = ______%

To find the percentage of students who prefer uniforms and who do not, we need to know the total number of students in the context.

Let's assume there are 100 students in total.

Out of 100 students, 16 do not prefer school uniform and 4 prefer school uniform.

Percentage of students who do not prefer uniforms = (Number of students who do not prefer uniforms / Total number of students) x 100
= (16 / 100) x 100
= 16%

Percentage of students who prefer uniforms = (Number of students who prefer uniforms / Total number of students) x 100
= (4 / 100) x 100
= 4%

The relationship between these two percents is that they add up to 100%. In this case, 16% + 4% = 20% (students who prefer and do not prefer uniforms combined).

To find the percentage of students who prefer school uniforms, you need to calculate the ratio of the number of students who prefer uniforms to the total number of students, and then multiply it by 100.

The total number of students is the sum of the number of students who prefer uniforms (4) and the number of students who do not prefer uniforms (16): 4 + 16 = 20.

To find the percentage of students who prefer uniforms: (4 / 20) x 100 = 20%.

To find the percentage of students who do not prefer uniforms, you subtract the percentage who prefer uniforms from 100%. In this case, that would be 100% - 20% = 80%.

Therefore, 20% of students prefer uniforms, and 80% of students do not prefer uniforms.

The relationship between these two percentages is complementary. The sum of the percentages of students who prefer uniforms and those who do not prefer uniforms equals 100%. In other words, the two percentages add up to the entire population.