Identify the number that does not belong with the other three: 9/20, 45/100, 45%,8/45. Explain the reason.

Change them all to percents.

what percent would 8/45 be

Divide the numerator by the denominator.

8/45 = 17.78%

thank you so much.

You are very welcome.

8/45 because it is equal to 17.78%. You can divide the numerator by the denominator

To identify the number that does not belong with the other three (9/20, 45/100, 45%, 8/45), we need to compare their representations and find any patterns or differences.

Let's start by converting all the numbers to a common representation, such as fractions or percentages, to make the comparison easier.

Converting the given numbers:
- 9/20 is already in fraction form, so no conversion is needed.
- 45/100 simplifies to 9/20 when reduced to its simplest form, so it is equivalent to the first number.
- 45% represents 45 out of 100 parts, which is the same as 45/100. So, it is equivalent to the second number as well.
- 8/45 is different from the rest since it is not equal to 9/20, 45/100, or 45%.

Therefore, the number that does not belong with the other three is 8/45.