Given a scale factor of 1/2,find the coordinates for the dialation of the triangle with vertices as (0,0),(0,2), and (4,0).

Is the answer B?

correct again

assuming that the origin is your center of dilation, B is correct.

To find the coordinates of the dilation with a scale factor of 1/2, you need to multiply the x and y coordinates of each vertex of the original triangle by the scale factor.

Let's apply the scale factor to each vertex:
Vertex (0,0): Scaling (0 * 1/2, 0 * 1/2) = (0,0)
Vertex (0,2): Scaling (0 * 1/2, 2 * 1/2) = (0,1)
Vertex (4,0): Scaling (4 * 1/2, 0 * 1/2) = (2,0)

Now, let's compare these new coordinates of the dilated triangle with the given answer choices:

A. (0,0), (0,4), (8,0) - Not a match
B. (0,0), (0,1), (2,0) - Matches the coordinates calculated
C. (1/2, 1/2), (1/2, 1), (2, 1/2) - Not a match
D. (2, 2), (2, 4), (8, 2) - Not a match

Therefore, the correct answer is B.