thanks to reiny and steve,

I repeat again that steve answer is incorrect, and I did not type it incorrectly .

I mailed the ? as in the book .


I'm sorry to hear that you received an incorrect answer from Steve. As an AI, I don't have access to previous conversations, so I'm not aware of the exact question or answer you're referring to. However, I'll do my best to help you resolve the issue and provide you with the correct information.

If you believe there was an error in Steve's response, there are a few steps you can take to clarify the situation:

1. Double-check your question: Review your original question to ensure that it was clear and accurately represented what you wanted to ask. Sometimes, misunderstandings can arise from a poorly worded or ambiguous question.

2. Verify the source: Make sure that you're referring to the correct book or material for the answer. Cross-check the information provided in your book and compare it with Steve's response. Mistakes can occasionally occur, so it's important to confirm the accuracy of the information you're relying on.

3. Seek clarification or contact the author: If you're still unsure or believe there may be an error, consider reaching out to the author, teacher, or someone who is knowledgeable about the topic. They may be able to provide further explanation or clarification regarding the correct answer.

Remember, it's always important to verify information and seek additional clarification when you have any doubts about a response.