Is this sentence is written in the passive voice? A parade was hels to honor the community's pas, preasent, and future.

Yes, if you mean "was held."

The parade didn't do the holding!!

Yes, the sentence "A parade was held to honor the community's past, present, and future" is written in the passive voice.

To determine if a sentence is written in the passive voice, you need to identify the following characteristics:

1. The subject of the sentence is receiving the action rather than performing the action.
In this case, "parade" is the subject, and it is receiving the action "held."

2. The verb "to be" (or its various forms) is used, along with a past participle verb.
In this case, "was held" is the verb phrase used, with "was" being the past tense form of the verb "to be," and "held" being the past participle of the verb "hold."

Since both of these characteristics are present, the sentence is indeed written in the passive voice.