Which sentence is written in the active voice? A) My granmother grew flowers in her garden. B) My grandmother was interviewed on a gardening show.

In a sentence in active voice, the subject is doing the action of the verb. You must make sure you can clearly identify the verb and then the subject.

A = grandmother grew

B = grandmother was interviewed

In which sentence did the grandmother do the action of the verb?

sentence A


whats the answer

To determine which sentence is written in the active voice, we need to identify the subject of the sentence and whether it is performing an action.

A) "My grandmother grew flowers in her garden." In this sentence, the subject is "my grandmother," and she is performing the action of "growing flowers." Therefore, this sentence is written in the active voice.

B) "My grandmother was interviewed on a gardening show." In this sentence, the subject is "my grandmother," but she is not performing any action. Instead, she is being acted upon or passive, as she is being "interviewed." Therefore, this sentence is written in the passive voice.

So, the sentence written in the active voice is A) "My grandmother grew flowers in her garden."