The fluid mosaic model describes the structure of the plasma membrane. Embedded within the plasma membrane are proteins and carbohydrates that contribute to the term mosaic. Glycolipids and glycoproteins are examples of carbohydrates on the surface of red blood cells that determine ABO blood type. These glycoproteins and glycolipids are important for

A) Cell to cell identification and recognition

B) active transport

C) diffusion

Which of the following is a good description (analogy) for the cytoskeleton in a cell?

A) scaffolding
B) water hose
C) drawbridge
D) jelly

Which structure maintains homeostasis by controlling the concentration of solutes within a cell?
A) cytoplasm

B) ribosome

C) plasma membrane

D) nucleus


You're in big trouble.

For the first question, the glycoproteins and glycolipids on the surface of red blood cells are important for cell to cell identification and recognition. To arrive at this answer, one can analyze the options given and eliminate those that are not related to cell identification and recognition.

For the second question, a good description or analogy for the cytoskeleton in a cell is scaffolding. To arrive at this answer, one can assess the options given and select the one that best represents the function and structure of the cytoskeleton.

For the third question, the structure that maintains homeostasis by controlling the concentration of solutes within a cell is the plasma membrane. To arrive at this answer, one can analyze the options given and choose the structure that is responsible for regulating the movement of substances in and out of the cell.