Sally and Marta had the same number of postcards. After Sally sold 18 of her postcards, Marta had 4 times as many postcards as Sally. How many postcards did each girl have to begin with?


m = 4(s-18)

Each had 24

To solve this problem, let's use algebraic equations. Let's assume that Sally and Marta each had x number of postcards initially.

According to the problem, after Sally sold 18 postcards, Marta had 4 times as many postcards as Sally. This can be written as an equation:

Marta's postcards = 4 * (Sally's postcards - 18)

Substituting x for the number of postcards initially, we have:

4 * (x - 18) = x

Now, let's solve for x.

Distributing the 4:

4x - 72 = x

Subtracting x from both sides:

3x - 72 = 0

Adding 72 to both sides:

3x = 72

Dividing by 3:

x = 24

So, Sally and Marta each had 24 postcards initially.