Which question help the reader indetify the verb modifiers in a simple sentence?

a.which,what kind of ,how many,how much
b.how,when,where,why,to what degree,how often
c.what, whom
d. to whom, for whom
I am think a



It would be b

Yes. Adverbs tell how, when, where, to what extent.

A: which, what kind of, how many, how much

You are correct! Option A, which includes "which," "what kind of," "how many," and "how much," helps the reader identify the verb modifiers in a simple sentence.

To identify verb modifiers in a simple sentence, you can look for these interrogative words. Each of these words has a specific function in providing additional information about the verb in the sentence.

- "Which" is used to specify a choice or selection among a group of options.
- "What kind of" is used to describe a particular category or type.
- "How many" is used to inquire about the quantity or number.
- "How much" is used to ask about the extent or amount.

By analyzing the sentence and identifying these words, you can determine which part of the sentence is modifying the verb.