What personification and metaphors can I use to describe a lunch dinner hall? 

Any help would be very much appreciated Thank you

Close your eyes. Pretend you're in the lunch room.

What do you smell?
What do you hear?
What do you feel with your hands?
What do you taste?
What do you see?

Jot down all of the sensations.

What other things can you compare your sensations with?

Sure! To come up with personification and metaphors to describe a lunch/dinner hall, you can think about its various attributes and characteristics. Here are some examples:

1. Personification:
- The lunch/dinner hall greeted me with open arms.
- The tables and chairs whispered with anticipation.
- The aroma of the food danced through the air, enticing my senses.
- The buffet spread flaunted its colorful and tempting offerings.
- The cutlery clinked and chimed, eager to play their part.

2. Metaphors:
- The lunch/dinner hall was a bustling hive of activity.
- It was a sea of hungry mouths and eager appetites.
- The room was an orchestra of flavors, blending harmoniously.
- The food stations were like beacons, guiding me to gastronomic delights.
- The hall was a melting pot of diverse tastes and cultures.

To generate more personalized and creative personification and metaphors, you can observe the lunch/dinner hall's ambiance, decor, menu, and the overall atmosphere. Keep in mind that the key to effective personification and metaphors is to use vivid language that appeals to the reader's senses and emotions.