Mr. Herman's family is traveling from Brownsville, Texas to their home in Lardeo, Texas. The distance from Brownsville to Laredo is 200 miles. And Mr Herman is driving at a speed of 50 miles per hour.

Write an equation for the situation

looks ok. But that depends on what x represents...


Let's break down the problem to understand what's happening.

We're given that the distance from Brownsville to Laredo is 200 miles, and Mr. Herman is driving at a speed of 50 miles per hour. We can use the equation "distance = speed × time" to represent this situation.

The variable "x" represents the time it takes Mr. Herman to travel from Brownsville to Laredo. The distance he travels is 200 miles, and his speed is 50 miles per hour. Plugging these values into the equation, we have:

distance = speed × time
200 = 50x

Therefore, the equation for this situation is 50x = 200.