A dog sled weighing 750 lb is pulled over level snow at a uniform speed by a dog team exerting a force of 60 lb. find the coefficient of friction.

To find the coefficient of friction, we first need to calculate the force of friction acting on the dog sled. The force of friction can be found using the formula:

Force of Friction = Force Applied - Force Required

In this case, the force applied is the force exerted by the dog team, which is 60 lb. The force required is the product of the coefficient of friction and the weight of the sled, which is 750 lb.

Now we can substitute the known values into the formula:

Force of Friction = 60 lb - (Coefficient of Friction) * 750 lb

Since the sled is moving at a uniform speed, we know that the force of friction is equal to zero. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

0 = 60 lb - (Coefficient of Friction) * 750 lb

To solve for the coefficient of friction, we isolate the variable:

(Coefficient of Friction) * 750 lb = 60 lb

Divide both sides of the equation by 750 lb:

Coefficient of Friction = 60 lb / 750 lb

Simplifying this expression:

Coefficient of Friction = 0.08

Therefore, the coefficient of friction in this scenario is 0.08.