kade bought 6 cookies for $4.80. At this rate, which equation can be used to find c, the cost of 3 dozen cookies?


To find the equation that can be used to find the cost of 3 dozen cookies, we need to determine the cost per cookie first.

Kade bought 6 cookies for $4.80, so we can divide the total cost by the number of cookies to find the cost per cookie:
Cost per cookie = Total cost / Number of cookies
Cost per cookie = $4.80 / 6

Now, since there are 12 cookies in a dozen, we can multiply the cost per cookie by 12 to find the cost of one dozen cookies:
Cost of one dozen cookies = Cost per cookie * 12

To find the cost of 3 dozen cookies, we can multiply the cost of one dozen cookies by 3:
Cost of 3 dozen cookies = Cost of one dozen cookies * 3

We can now substitute the values we found into the equation:
Cost of 3 dozen cookies = ($4.80 / 6) * 12 * 3

So, the equation that can be used to find c, the cost of 3 dozen cookies, is:
c = ($4.80 / 6) * 12 * 3

To find the equation that can be used to find the cost of 3 dozen cookies, we need to first understand the relationship between the number of cookies and their cost.

Given that Kade bought 6 cookies for $4.80, we can find the cost per cookie by dividing the total cost by the number of cookies:

Cost per cookie = Total cost / Number of cookies

Cost per cookie = $4.80 / 6

Cost per cookie = $0.80

Now, we know that there are 12 cookies in a dozen. So, to find the cost of 3 dozen cookies, we need to multiply the cost per cookie by the number of cookies in 3 dozen:

Cost of 3 dozen cookies = Cost per cookie * Number of cookies in 3 dozen

Cost of 3 dozen cookies = $0.80 * (3 * 12)

Cost of 3 dozen cookies = $0.80 * 36

Thus, the equation to find c, the cost of 3 dozen cookies, is:

c = $0.80 * 36