The ideas described in Group B would most likely be the beliefs of which political party?

Group A
- Favored higher protective traffis
- supported a national banking system
- wanted federal funds for internal improvement

Group B

-feared a mixed economy
- were proponents of slavery
- supported western expansion

To determine which political party Group B's ideas most likely align with, we can analyze the provided information and look at the historical context.

1. "Feared a mixed economy": A mixed economy refers to an economic system that combines elements of free-market capitalism and government intervention. Political parties who tend to fear a mixed economy typically lean towards more conservative or libertarian ideologies.

2. "Proponents of slavery": Historically, support for slavery was primarily found in the Southern United States before the Civil War. This indicates that the ideas of Group B are more aligned with the political party that had stronger support in the South during that time.

3. "Supported western expansion": While both major political parties during this period were in favor of westward expansion, the specific policies and motivations behind it can provide additional context.

Considering these factors, it can be inferred that the ideas described in Group B are most likely aligned with the Democratic Party during the 19th century. During that time, the Democratic Party had a strong base of support in the South, which was where proponents of slavery were most concentrated. The Democratic Party also tended to lean towards limited government intervention and emphasized states' rights, which aligns with a fear of a mixed economy.

It's important to note that political parties and their ideologies can evolve and change over time, so this analysis is specific to the historical context provided.