Murmur is an interesting word because both syllables are spelled the same : mur-mur. While this is an unusual, there are other words with this pattern. See how many of the words below you can guess.

a) to split evenly
b) a drum you beat with your hands

a) fifty-fifty

b) tom-tom


a) The word that fits the description is "divide." It has two syllables, "di-vide," with both syllables spelled the same.

b) The word that fits the description is "bongo." It has two syllables, "bon-go," with both syllables spelled the same.

To find words that have the same spelling for each syllable, we can try using our knowledge and thinking about common words that fit the given descriptions. Let's go through each description one by one:

a) To split evenly

When we think of words that involve splitting evenly, one word that comes to mind is "divide." However, "divide" does not have the pattern of repeating syllables, so it does not match the given criteria. Let's think of another word that might fit.

After some reflection, we can consider the word "bisect." "Bisect" means to divide something into two equal parts. The word "bisect" follows the pattern of repeating syllables ("bi-sect"), making it a word that matches the description in terms of pronunciation and syllable spelling.

b) A drum you beat with your hands

For this description, we can think of a type of drum that is beaten with hands. One common type of drum that matches this description is a "bongo." The word "bongo" also fits the pattern of repeating syllables ("bon-go"), making it another word that matches the given criteria.

So, the words that fit the criteria are:

a) bisect
b) bongo