Which part of RERUN describes when you try to see both point of view?

a. Reflect
b. Explain
c. Reason
d. Understand

I chose a

Changed my answer to (d0 makes more sense that you would try to understand each point of view

Changed my answer to (d) makes more sense that you would try to understand each point of view

The correct answer is actually b. Explain. To understand why, let's break down the acronym RERUN and what each letter represents:

R - Retrieve Information: This step involves gathering relevant information and understanding the context of the question.

E - Evaluate Options: Once you have the information, you should evaluate the given options to find the best answer.

R - Reflect: In this step, you should take a moment to think about each option and consider its meaning or implications.

U - Understand: Understanding the question and the options is crucial to finding the correct answer.

N - Navigate: This step involves using logical reasoning skills and eliminating incorrect options to narrow down the choices.

The part of RERUN that describes trying to see both points of view is E - Explain. When you choose to explain something, it often involves presenting both sides of an argument or situation to gain a comprehensive understanding. Therefore, b. Explain is the correct answer.