Which of the following would be an appropriate use of technology for an 18-month old child?

a. watching a Baby Einstein Video
b. Skyping with a traveling parent
c. Listening to an audiobook.
d. Playing Angry Birds

(b) because I think Baby Einstein got bad reviews and autioboo0ks are for older children

A or maybe B.

I've never read any bad reviews of any of the Baby Einstein videos or CDs, and they were LOVED by both my granddaughters.

Can an 18-month-old use Skype?

To determine an appropriate use of technology for an 18-month old child, we need to consider their developmental needs and the potential benefits and drawbacks of different options. Let's evaluate each option:

a. Watching a Baby Einstein Video: While Baby Einstein videos are specifically designed for young children, they have faced criticism for not being developmentally appropriate and potentially hindering language development. Therefore, this may not be the best option for an 18-month old.

b. Skyping with a traveling parent: This option can be highly beneficial as it allows the child to maintain a connection with the parent who is away. Seeing and hearing the parent via video call can help reduce separation anxiety and foster emotional connection.

c. Listening to an audiobook: This option can be suitable for an 18-month old, as long as the audiobook is age-appropriate and engaging. Listening to stories can support language development and stimulate the child's imagination.

d. Playing Angry Birds: Video games like Angry Birds are not suitable for toddlers, as they can be overly stimulating and may not align with their developmental needs. It is important to prioritize activities that promote active learning and development.

Based on this evaluation, option (b) - Skyping with a traveling parent, appears to be the most appropriate use of technology for an 18-month old child. It allows for interaction with a loved one and supports emotional development.