Toys advertised on television play an important part in defining:

a. gender
b. differential treatment
c. sex roles
d. appearances

My answer is c. sex roles/mainly because of all the super heros

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the information that toys advertised on television play in defining certain aspects. In this case, we are specifically considering gender, differential treatment, sex roles, and appearances.

Toys advertised on television can indeed play a role in defining these aspects, but we should carefully evaluate which one is most prominently influenced. Let's look at all the options:

a. Gender: Toys on television can often be seen as gender-specific, such as dolls for girls and action figures for boys. This categorization reinforces societal gender norms and can contribute to the definition of gender roles.

b. Differential treatment: While toys on television can play a part in differential treatment, it is not the primary focus. Differential treatment refers to treating certain individuals or groups differently based on various factors. While advertising may target specific demographics, it does not specifically address differential treatment.

c. Sex roles: Sex roles refer to the socially constructed expectations and behaviors associated with gender. Toys advertised on television play a significant role in defining and reinforcing sex roles. Certain toys are marketed heavily towards boys or girls, reflecting and perpetuating traditional gender expectations and stereotypes.

d. Appearances: Although some toys may emphasize appearances, such as fashion dolls or beauty-related toys, this is not the main focus of toys advertised on television. Appearance-focused toys can contribute to societal standards, but they do not define the overall message of toy advertisements.

Based on the analysis, the most appropriate answer is indeed c. sex roles as toys advertised on television are influential in perpetuating and reinforcing societal gender expectations and stereotypes.