A trail mix recipe calls for 6 cups of peanuts. You have 4 small packages that each contain 2/3 cup of peanuts. How many more cups of peanuts do you need to get?



:| :((


To find out how many more cups of peanuts you need, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total amount of peanuts in the small packages.
Since each small package contains 2/3 cup of peanuts, you can multiply 2/3 by 4 (the number of small packages) to find the total amount of peanuts in the small packages:
2/3 * 4 = 8/3 cups

Step 2: Determine the difference between the required amount and the amount already obtained.
To find out how many more cups of peanuts you need, subtract the total amount of peanuts in the small packages from the required amount of 6 cups:
6 - 8/3 = 18/3 - 8/3 = 10/3 cups

So, you need an additional 10/3 cups of peanuts to obtain the required amount.


6 - 4(2/3) = ?