slope=-5,passing through(-4,-2)

[y-(-2)]/[x-(-4)] = -5

(y+2)/(x+4)= -5
y+2 = -5x -20
y = -5x -22

What you just saw was using the point slope form in order to get the answer in to slope-intercept form (y=mx+b). M represents slope and b represents the y intercept (0,?). Slope is determined by dividing the rise or fall (vertical change) over the run (the horizontal change).

the primeter of a rectangle is 416in.the length is for more than three tmes the width. find the dimensions. write an equation

To find the equation of a line passing through a given point, (-4, -2), with a given slope, -5, you can use the point-slope form of a linear equation. The point-slope form is given as:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

where (x1, y1) represents the coordinates of the given point and "m" represents the slope.

Substituting the values into the equation, we get:

y - (-2) = -5(x - (-4))

Simplifying further:

y + 2 = -5(x + 4)

Distributing -5:

y + 2 = -5x - 20

Combining like terms:

y = -5x - 20 - 2

y = -5x - 22

Therefore, the equation of the line with a slope of -5 passing through (-4, -2) is y = -5x - 22.