Prepare a 10 percent solution of sulphuric acid from a 98 percent stock solution of the acid in a 500mls beaker

mL1 x %1 = mL2 x %2



51 ml of sulphuric acid

To prepare a 10 percent solution of sulfuric acid from a 98 percent stock solution, you will need the following materials and equipment:

1. 98 percent stock solution of sulfuric acid
2. Distilled water
3. A 500 mL beaker
4. Measuring cylinder or pipette
5. Safety goggles and gloves (as sulfuric acid can be hazardous)

Here are the steps to prepare the solution:

1. Calculate the amount of stock solution you need to make a 10 percent solution. In this case, we want a 500 mL solution, so 10 percent of that is 50 mL (10 percent of 500 mL).

2. Measure 50 mL of the 98 percent stock solution using a measuring cylinder or pipette. Be sure to handle the stock solution carefully and pour it into the beaker.

3. After measuring the stock solution, add distilled water to make a total volume of 500 mL. This means you need to add 450 mL of distilled water (500 mL - 50 mL) to the beaker containing the stock solution. Slowly pour the distilled water into the beaker while stirring gently to ensure proper mixing.

4. Once you have added the water, stir the mixture to ensure thorough mixing. Avoid inhaling the fumes and wear protective goggles and gloves for safety.

5. Your 10 percent sulfuric acid solution is now ready to use. Label the beaker and store it properly or use it as required.

Remember, always handle strong acids like sulfuric acid with caution and follow proper safety protocols.